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moncler leather bootsThere was a 9.7 million dollar contract awarded to Sherrick Construction for the planning and construction of a child development center with a capacity for 200 children and a 3.7 million dollar contract awarded for repairs at Womack Army Medical Center.There have also been a variety of other contracts awarded around the state including power plant upgrades, upgrading for the generator cooling system at the Wolf Creek Dam, and cleaning and maintenance of the navigation channel on the Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway.If you are looking to maybe place a bid to get some federal stimulus dollars for your company then don delay, there are still a few contracts left to be awarded if you hurry but there isn much time left to make your bid.Regardless of who contracts are actually awarded to, the 5.6 billion dollars that the federal government has set aside for Tennessee will help the entire state come through this recession in a bit better place than we would be otherwise. The circulation of more money through the pockets of the people of Tennessee is certain to help business in most every sector.X Post a Comment on this Article Note: We read and moderate all comments before they visible on article page.

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